The group created all content within the magazine including three interviews with magazine professionals and scholars, several magazine reviews, original photography and various magazine articles.

They also selected their own graphic design taste including font and page arrangement, learning about the history of graphic design through iconic magazines. Tori individually contributed to major graphic choices including the thumbnail style page layout of the articles.

Continuing, she conceptualized, creative directed and executed a photoshoot, photographed and scanned additional media for articles, wrote and edited an interview of Saul Marcadent alongside four other group members, conceptualized and photographed a still life image and wrote a supporting text. Lastly, she wrote and published her own article concerning the impact of branded advertising on magazine aesthetics and identities.

Class Editorial Team: Molly Apple, Danielle Barnes, Berline Cherelus, Kandace Clifton, Nicolette Contursi, Deandra Green, Fanny Lerner, Lily Li, Sandra Mathey Garcia-Rada, Clara Montré, Victoria Nergaard, Or Rosenblum, Rocio Sanchez, Svita Solboyeva & Amanda Stedman